Have Faith – Expect Miracles

A few months ago I was perusing the clearance section of Cracker Barrel’s Gift Shop when I came across a necklace with a message that spoke to me as a special love note from God. 

Jim had just received his notice from his employer that since he could no longer work they could no longer pay him effective March 1st.  He had filed for Social Security Disability but as most of you know the government does not work quickly.  We had no savings left and he has no retirement.  A few months earlier Jim’s salary was cut in half while he was recuperating from extensive spine surgery.  At that time I had panic – I had cried out – “what are we going to do!” – as the one who manages the check and pays the bills I knew that half salary was not going to be enough to make ends meet.  Now there would be NO income at all; but for some reason when we received the notice of NO income I did not panic as I did a few months earlier. 

Why was I so calm?  Because I took the Lord at His Word

 “Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God. Philippians 4:6 (Amplified)

 “And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 4:19 (Amplified)

 I saw how the Lord had taken care of our needs through the half salary.  The Lord had reminded me that through the years He has always supplied our need – so why worry – right?  Well just as my faith was about to wavier I saw this necklace (in the 70% off rack too!).  It was a message so different from other messages I have seen.  Many times we will read sayings on Facebook, or other social media outlets that will say, “Have Faith – Believe in Miracles”.  But this message was so different.  Most people believe in miracles but don’t expect miracles to happen to them.  So many of us believe that miracles are those big things – like the parting of the Red Sea, or changing the water into wine; or raising someone from the dead  – but not paying our bills and putting food on the table – right?   

Oh my dear friend, miracles happen every day!  We just do not always recognize them as such.  Example:  Running late for work when you get a flat tire – later you find out there was an accident down the road that happened right about the time you would have been there.  MIRACLE!  You lack funds this month to pay your bills or to purchase groceries and in the mail you receive a check from someone for the exact amount you need – MIRACLE! 

Have Faith Expect Miracles Necklace 1So when I saw the message on the necklace – Have Faith – Expect Miracles – I saw it not only as a statement directly from God, but a message of love – a great big hug from our awesome loving God telling me to not only BELIEVE  in miracles – but to EXPECT miracles to happen!

I do not know from day to day, week to week or month to month how God will supply our need – but I do know one thing – He will supply.  I will continue to HAVE FAITH and EXPECT MIRACLES.

 My prayer for you today:

“May the God of your hope so fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound and be overflowing (bubbling over) with hope.”  Romans 15:13 (Amplified)

 Oh, FYI:  I bought the necklace for $6, and in the mail later that day we received a check for $50! 


12 thoughts on “Have Faith – Expect Miracles

  1. Heather Strickland

    I love this!! We have been through difficult financial times and God has taught us to trust Him, not money. There has not been a time that He did not meet our needs, big and small. I love when God does intimate miracles, ones that maybe we only know we need. It shows His great love for us individually

    1. MicheleMichele Williams

      thank you so much Heather. I have to be reminded that I am to trust Him and not the money. We do need you continued prayers as we try to figure out how we are to raise/earn the difference we need each month.

  2. Dolores Sheesley

    This is a great cite I love it & we too are going though a difficult financial time as well with health problems. I have been seeing God’s miracle & blessing in our lives. I have been feeling his present and I am starting to find out what God wants from me in return for prayers to be answered. I trust what ever God wants me to do.

  3. LaurieLaurie

    What an encouraging word … once again, Gods Word is proven to be true! I love your attitude and surely God is and will continue to bless you for your faith in Him. (Welcome back!!) 🙂

    1. MicheleMichele Williams

      Thank you Laurie. It’s good to be back. I need to find the balance of my busy life caring for my husband our home etc… and still find time for me and His ministry….. Keep praying…

  4. Iris

    Thank you for sharing from your heart, Michele. It is true, God is still covers us with miracles; we just have to see them.

  5. Marcus Matthew

    That’s a mind blowing and a direct message to me.I had a dream about an issue of employment in the port..a place I never worked before.i claimEd it by faith and I held unto it by fAith with prayer and fasting believing it will come to pass.And behold I got a call from someone initiating me to work in the port.
    Indeed,have faith in God,Expect miracle and God is faithful.