Have you Entered yet?

Would you like to spend some time with your mom, sister, or girlfriend praising God in a different setting? Meeting up with women who love Christ but are from different denominations? Than our Fall contest is for you. Click on the below button to find out how you can enter. You have until Thanksgiving…

Blessings on your day and as always…

5 thoughts on “Have you Entered yet?

  1. Mommy of two little blessings

    Thank you for the reminder. Have a wonderful day. I put in a little bit just above my link to your page that you are drawing for the blessed lady the time to said on the first entry. *smile* I hope I get them, of corse, but I know that whoever is blessed with this wonderful opportunity will have a great time and probably really needs the uplifting experiance. *smile*

    Blessings.-me- (Mommy of two little blessings)

  2. Chelle'

    I entered last month and stopped by today to check in on things… Thanks so much for hosting this contest. Sure would be great to go to the Women of Faith conference.

  3. Debbie

    I also entered a while ago but wanted to check back. I am going to the Women of Faith later this month when they come to Peoria. I can’t wait!