How is Your Communication?

And he said to them, “When you pray, say: ‘Father, hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come.'” ~ Luke 11:2 (ESV)

I think in today’s fast-passed world we forget how to communicate well with each other. Even when it comes to prayer. We become discouraged when God doesn’t answer our prayers immediately. Sometimes we don’t give it time to wait on God’s answer. You see, sometimes He answers our prayers right away — with a yes or no. Other times He tells us to wait for His perfect time.

Since my husband and I work both full-time outside the home, we communicate during the work-week via email. Most of the time I will ask my husband about dinner or other things that come to mind. The other day I mentioned that our son wanted a particular dish for dinner. I knew that it was not my husband’s favorite dish, so I was waiting on his answer with a little pit in my stomach. Would he say yes or no? Would he be okay with it? When his answer arrived in my inbox, I knew that he wasn’t thrilled about dinner plans. Not that he said flat out no, just how he said it: “I guess it is okay…”.

Do we sometimes hear God say “I guess it is okay…” but in all reality He is telling us to wait on Him? Luther said once about prayer: ‘ For one dare not forget that prayer has two component parts: talking and listening. How can we expect God to listen to us if we do not listen to Him? As a rule, we think of prayer only when we are in trouble up to our ear.’ I have to admit that most of the time I send up a prayer because of stressful situations but forget to thank Him. And sometimes I even stop praying over a certain situation, because I believe that God is not hearing my prayer and I don’t want to ‘bother’ Him over and over with the same prayer.

Are you praying over a situation right now and do not seem to receive an answer from Him? Don’t give up! He hears your prayer, but maybe His answer is: “Wait”.

Lord of Heaven and Earth. Help us to listen to Your answer. We know You hear our prayers. You answer always comes at the right time. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus’ precious name. Amen

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8 thoughts on “How is Your Communication?

  1. Mommy of two little blessings

    You may find this a delightful thing, our three and a half year old son knows and asks to pray the Lord’s prayre. Our one and a half year old daugher is learning it and joins in when she “feels” like it. Her speech is still in the making. *smile* What a blessing to have two little ones going to God and telling Him about their most prized posetions and thanking our God for them.
    Harvest blessings.-me-(Mommy of two little blessings)

  2. Paige

    I’m trying to learn to “pray without ceasing” but it is hard. I pray daily for my husbands salvation, yet am still waiting on God. In his timing, I hope for a YES answer. In the meanwhile, I wait and PRAY HARD!

  3. pam

    We do have a hard time waiting for anything don’t we? We also act like a toddler stomping our feet and saying I want it now. I enjoyed your devotion.

  4. Angie

    When the answer is wait….then the outcome is always GROWTH. Always. Of course…with the no answers and the yes answers there is growth…but not like the WAIT answer.

    THIS was so good. Just what I needed to read…as I sit and wait for an answer. Could it be….this was my answer?

    We’ll see. I love you dear sister!

  5. Laurie Ann

    Trusting God with a “wait” answer is hard, but can be done! We trust Him with the yes’s and no’s, so why not the wait’s. Great devotion! I love it.