Homecoming Season

The high school homecoming tradition in our small town is a big deal. I attended four different high schools so when I came here my senior year, I did not have the sense of community that my husband has always had. He has been out of high school a long time, but his classmates still meet every fall and mark the aging process with jokes and commiseration. They mourn the home going of class mates and pray for the sicknesses of others. They celebrate success and listen to troubles and trials. They have a permanent float for the parade and plan for a meal together each year, often booking a year in advance. It’s interesting to see how the dynamics have changed over the years. I joined the party late and mostly observe, but it’s precious to me to see how they genuinely love each other and celebrate life.
I often muse at this time of the year of the better homecoming we look forward to as Christians. I enjoy life now, but when Jesus calls me higher, either from sickness or by the great trumpet, I relish greeting those I’ve always wanted to meet— the men and women of the Book: the warriors and scholars, the kings and princes, the humble friends of God. I long to hug my daddy’s neck and sing with my grandparents the songs of the redeemed. Hebrews 12:1 mentions “we are surrounded a large crowd of witnesses.” I like to think they’re cheering me on “as I run the race that is ahead” (CEV). I suspect there will be some ancestors there I’ll meet for the first time. Perhaps their stories of living in the New World or Europe or England will be fascinating. Perhaps, I’ll get to hear how they came to know the Lord.
Most of all, I’ll get to see my Savior. I met Him long ago, but 1 Corinthians 13:12 says,” For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. No one knows my weaknesses like my Savior and yet He loves me. No one cared for my sins enough to die for me, but He did. Know one else stands at the Father’s right hand to intercede for me in my weariness or sorrow. No one else sent a personal Comforter to teach me. I love Him.
What a joy it will be to worship corporately with all those who know Him! I envision a veritable “cloud” of nations and tongues, colors and sizes—- a tapestry of sweetness lifted before the King, a homecoming like no other.

Thank you, God, for my confirmed reservation to that great celebration! Thank you, Jesus, for paying the admission. I welcome you, Holy Spirit, for keeping me updated on these coming events.

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