My God loves me anyway…

By the time you read this I will be hosting a birthday party for my middle son. We invited the WHOLE football team to Go-Karts and Arcade fun. I know WHAT was I thinking!

Two things this week have reminded me of how the Father feels about me. First when my youngest son was hurt this last weekend and required 9 staples on the top of his head, I hurt for him. While waiting for him to return from the ER with my husband, I physically hurt and I could not sit down. I teased that I got more house work completed in those two hours than I did all weekend. It hurt me to see one of my children hurt. And I felt the whisper, how much more does your Father hurt when you are hurting. This was a great reminder for me this week because in certain areas in my life I have been hurting and crying out to God. I think I even uttered the words, “you never listen to me!” It sure feels like it sometimes. I know I have heard those words from my own kids, but no matter how angry or frustrated they make me; if one child hurts, I hurt. If one tear from my face falls, God is there to catch it.

The second reminder is how much God loves to bless us. Like I mentioned I will be in the throws of a birthday party with many, many boys running around. Yes my son has been excited all week, but you know what, I think I have been just as excited. I am excited to be able to do this for him; I have been excited to bless him. I am not receiving anything in return; in fact I am spending a lot of time, effort and money to make this happen. But I don’t think of those things, I think about how excited my son is and how much he will look back on this day and have great memories. This is his first big party with tons of friends. God is the same way when he blesses us. He is our biggest cheerleader, when we are jumping up and down excited praising him because he blessed us, he is right there with us with a giant grin on his face.

God will still not allow us to get away with things that he knows will hurt us, he will still say “no.” When things happen that make us fall or have us cry out with tears, God is there to catch every tear and hurt while we are hurting. But in the same way, when blessings come our way and we are like a little school child running here and there with such joy on our face, God is there with the biggest grin and cheering us on.

It is so nice to have a Daddy in heaven that loves us so much.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for always being there. In the good times you are my cheerleader and in the tough times you are my comforter. I ask forgiveness when I lash out in anger towards you, and claim you are not there. For you are always there and you love me so much you sent your OWN SON, YOUR OWN SON to die just for me. Father help to never underestimate your love for me. Amen!
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8 thoughts on “My God loves me anyway…

  1. LindaLinda

    It is indeed Laurel. We sang a song in church this morning: “Lord, I am amazed by You – how you love me.” It is amazing this perfect, unconditional love.
    Have a great time at the party!!

  2. eph2810

    Thank you so much for the reminder, Laurel. Yes, it has been a rough summer for me, but I know that He has been there with me. That is the only comfort I have.
    I hope you had a wonderful day celebrating your son’s birthday.

    Blessings to you and yours…

  3. Bernadine

    Hope you had a wonderful time celebrating your son’s birthday and I hope your youngest son is feeling better. Also, thank you for the reminder of how much our heavenly father loves us.

  4. Millie

    Laurel, thank for this post, I remember that several days ago, when one sister called me, I told her about the same words to our Lord:” he does not listen to me, and I am afraid that his blessings for me not arriving at me, or I could not….” But thank the Lord, even sometimes we complain because of our weakness, he still loves us, and accompany us during every period, tears and joy…Thanks for his everlasting love