Showers of Blessing

My deepest apologies. All day long in the midst of much busy-ness I kept thinking I should be doing something. I even checked to see if I was supposed to post here but didn’t see it on my calendar. Sigh.

If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! Matthew 7:11

Yesterday was a plan-less day. I got up having no idea what we would do aside from church. My typical Sunday includes reading a good book or browsing through blogs I missed during the week with maybe a trip to the mall with hubby or nap thrown in for good measure.

The mall was out because hubby had insomnia the night before and needed to sleep. The kids were rowdy and I was out of books. After church hubby headed to bed and we called my grandmother to see if she was up for a visit. It had only been a year and a half since my grandfather had died and it was only her second anniversary without him.

She was thrilled at the thought of a visit and asked if we wanted to go to her church picnic with her. We drove the 45 minutes to get there and despite the rain headed to the picnic. The kids had a blast and I got to talk to a friend of my mom’s who recently lost her husband and who is also the grandmother of my children’s friend and my grandma’s old next door neighbor. It worked out perfectly. They haven’t seen her in ages–well since Grandma moved and had been longing to see her –so I was able to make arrangements to visit when she would be at her grandma’s house.

We left the picnic and visited with Grandma before planning to head home. As we were getting ready to leave Rachel remembered that there was an art’s festival in a nearby town that she had wanted to attend. (I had previously agreed to going.) I tried to talk her out of it as I wasn’t even sure it was this weekend and if it was it was raining and it would be almost over even if they hadn’t shut it down. After some discussion e decided to go that way. It turned out that it hadn’t been rained out and though it was almost over the kids still got to ride the trolley and thoroughly enjoy themselves AND I ran into some old friends who m I thought I wouldn’t see again as last I heard they were moving away.

The best part of it all–I didn’t spend any money on all this entertainment and the kids got a great “real vacation” day out of it.

Sometimes I forget that God is completely in control of my comings and my goings. I forget that His timing is perfect. ld have really missed out–I could have decided to stay home and lament that Shamus needed to sleep. I could have let the rain keep me away. We decided to go anyway and God used ALL OF IT for good–even the fact that we had to walk back because my clock was wrong and I thought we had missed the last trolley ride–if we hadn’t walked I wouldn’t have run into our friends.

We serve an awesome and amazing God who loves to give good gifts and will order our days if we let Him.

Thank You Lord for Your gifts, for showers of blessings. What an awesome God you are.

3 thoughts on “Showers of Blessing

  1. Millie

    What a sweat post, showers of blessing. Out of our expection, the Lord’s time is perfect, and his grace is so awesome. I had such experience before, when I not listened to my heart, but listened to the Lord’s voice, I got more peace and joy…Thanks for this testimony, remind me that not depend on what we think, what we say, even what we feel, just fix eyes on the Lord, there is no wrong in him..

  2. LynnLynn

    Amen… Amen… Amen….

    I thrills me to see God delighting His children in the simple pleasures of a day. Great post. Love you, me