Not Only Sundays…

“Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!
Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!” ~ Psalm 95:1-2 (ESV)

Talking on the phone, reading the newspaper, shaving, putting make-up on. Believe it or not, but this is what I see every morning while driving to work. Some mornings it is really frustrating to drive behind someone who drives 35 in a 45 zone. They are pre-occupied with other things instead of driving.

But isn’t that what we do with God? We are pre-occupied with our daily stuff and forget worshiping Him until Sunday. Then we put on our Sunday’s best and congregate with other believers. Is our Lord only to be worshiped on Sundays? What about when we do our daily chores? When we change diapers, fold the laundry, cook food or drive to and from work? I challenge you this week and the weeks to come to worship and praise Him every single day. When you fold you laundry sing a song. When you change the diaper, thank and praise Him that you have a bundle of joy to change the diapers for. When you cook, put on your headphones and worship Him. Believe me, everything will go faster when you are in His presence.

As for me, when I am frustrated during the morning commute — I turn up the music and make a joyful noise to Him with songs of praise. If the driver next to me at the stop-light thinks I lost all my marbles because I raise my hands to Him — I just turn and smile…


“Lord of Heaven and Earth. Remind us that worship is not only for Sundays. Lead us in praise and songs throughout the week. Through the power of Your Spirit let us declare Your glory in all things we do. In the precious name of Jesus. Amen.”

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13 thoughts on “Not Only Sundays…

  1. Sissy B.

    Thank you for this reminder as I head out into the big city on this Monday morning…it is so different from where I live but when I tune in to Spirt 95 and crank up the speakers I am in a much better frame of mind when I cross that county line!! Thanks Iris.

  2. Debbie

    Iris such true ringing words. I try to have the radio on in my day or the CD player with worship music. Helps my day go faster, helps me head stay clear and holds the frustration down. And I am sure when I am out working in the yard jitterbugging around and arms raised in the sky my neighbors think I have lost my mind! And they are right, I have turned it over to my Heavenly Father!


  3. L.L. Barkat

    Let everything that has breath praise the LORD…

    … if the rocks and streams can do it, surely I can too. 🙂 Sometimes, I think we make “worship” into something so complicated or regulated that we forget it can be as beautifully simple as just LIVING, with a secret smile to God.

  4. LynnLynn


    I have lost my marbles too and I don’t care. If I remain silent, surely the rocks will cry out! Thank you for sharing from your heart. Be blessed, Lynn

  5. Beckie

    Thanks sooo much for the reminder~it is so true! I too have been stared at while praising the Lord while driving.

    Blessings to you.

  6. Polly

    This is such a great reminder that Sunday is not the only day for worship. We all need to renew our mind and refresh our spirit all through the week so that when we come together on Sunday we are able to worship and praise Him without having to shake off the past week first.
    The other day I was watering my flower garden and I had on my iPod. The song “How Great is Our God” was playing and I kept hitting repeat because I could feel the presence of God in that song. I was crying, praying and watering flowers all at the same time. Worship can happen anywhere. We just need to take the time to do it. Thanks Iris.

  7. e-Mom

    You really see all that during your commute? I’m amazed. We work out of our home so we don’t have to go anywhere, thankfully. I agree, we should worship God all day long, every day, even while driving. Have a worship-filled day, Iris!

  8. Amy from Belle

    Thank you for the reminder! I fail to do this on a regular basis and I’m trying so hard to change. I appreciate what you do to help others. This site has really made a difference in the way I think about everything. Lots of love!

  9. Darlene

    I love that challenge Iris, I’ll start tomorrow…wait scratch that–I’ll start right now! This post reminds me of Lisa Welchel’s new book. We have such busy lives and we need time to unwind and spend a moment with God.