Laced with Grace


What comes to mind when you think of the word? A number of things come to mine……a laced up corset that holds everything in it’s “proper place”….(after 3 children…. I keep hoping corsets will come back in style…..I could use one;)

Muffins, hot from the oven, “laced” through-out with fresh blueberries…. To warm, nourish and strengthen me and my family, on a cold fall morning.

And, A brace worn and “laced” to offer support to weak muscles or ligaments….like the one I wore for weeks last fall after partially tearing part of my ankles support system.

The dictionary defines it this way:

Lace  / noun, verb, laced, lac‧ing. (


1. a netlike ornamental fabric made of threads by hand or machine.
2. a cord or string for holding or drawing together, as when passed through holes in opposite edges.
3. ornamental cord or braid, esp. of gold or silver, used to decorate uniforms, hats, etc.
4. a small amount of alcoholic liquor or other substance added to food or drink.

–verb (used with object)

5. to fasten, draw together, or compress by or as if by means of a lace.
6. to pass (a cord, leather strip, etc.), as through holes.
7. to interlace or intertwine.

All of these are true. Both in the literal sense, and in the idea of being “Laced with Grace”.

Acts 20:32, gives us just a glimpse of this truth….

“Now I commit you to God and to the word of his grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified. “

We can, and need daily, to be “Laced with Grace”. In all ways.

We need God’s grace to hold us in place next to His heart, like a corset…. holding us close, because on our own, we flow outside of His boundaries.

We need God’s grace to nourish us and build us up, like a hot muffin on a cold morning… becasue our sin drains us of joy.

And, in light of our human frailty, and our own tendancy towards (at best) wobbly walking…we desperately need His grace to be our tightly laced, support brace. One that also, protects us. (of course- grace is infinitely more effective than any brace created by doctors!) Why? Because alone? We can’t stand, walk or run. Like my bad ankle, we fall flat, without His grace holding us up. We fall down. In sin, in attitude and into trouble.

We know what grace does… saves us. But, what is grace?

Grace is God’s free gift of salvation- paid for by Jesus’ death on the cross, evidenced by His resurrection and ascension- in our place. In payment of our sin, regardless how big or how (seemingly) small. So that we may come fully and joyously into His presense, forgiven and made righteous by His blood. His grace is our freedom. The only path that leads to heaven.

According to Easton’s 1897 Bible Dictionary:

Grace (1.) Of form or person (Prov. 1:9; 3:22; Ps. 45:2). (2.) Favour, kindness, friendship (Gen. 6:8; 18:3; 19:19; 2 Tim. 1:9). (3.) God’s forgiving mercy (Rom. 11:6; Eph. 2:5). (4.) The gospel as distinguished from the law (John 1:17; Rom. 6:14; 1 Pet. 5:12). (5.) Gifts freely bestowed by God; as miracles, prophecy, tongues (Rom. 15:15; 1 Cor. 15:10; Eph. 3:8). (6.) Christian virtues (2 Cor. 8:7; 2 Pet. 3:18). (7.) The glory hereafter to be revealed (1 Pet. 1:13).


As we begin this new adventure… one that is truly “Laced with Grace” I encourage you to explore His word…. search out the verses above. Find out exactly what grace is. I’ve given you just a tiny peek. There is so much more, to grace.

Are you experiencing it? Are you laced with and laced up in grace? Do you hold out the blessed hope and assurance of grace and serve it lovingly to others? Are you always abounding in grace? I cant say I’m ALWAYS abounding in grace…. so let’s pray-

Dear Lord- I pray that your grace would reign supreme, in our hearts and in our lives. I pray that anyone coming by here, would find your grace, laced through out. I pray that we’d know and understand the depth of your love and the magnificence of your grace. And that we’d learn to respond to it. I pray that this would daily be a place where others can come and find your grace, extended. Thank you Lord- for GRACE. I love you – amen.

9 thoughts on “Laced with Grace

  1. eph2810

    What a wonderful explanation of grace, Tracey. Thank you so much for sharing. I do need to be laced up with His grace every single morning…

    Blessings on your day.

  2. Debbie

    I struggle to find that lace sometimes but in reality it is never far! I struggle daily with trying to earn what I already have. I just need to finish putting on my shoes, tying those laces and going forth! Wonderful reading today!

  3. annb

    What a great way to start the day! I have a small figurine that says, “A Day Hemmed in Prayer Seldom Unravels” which I keep in a place where I am reminded daily to pray. I try to start each day and end each day by talking to God – in praise, thanksgiving and desires of my heart. Thanks for another great place to find inspiration!

  4. LynnLynn

    Oh Tracey,

    What a beautiful prayer. I too am praying this prayer today. I can see the love you have for our Savior. Thank you so much for praying for us. Be blessed today!

  5. ampraisingHim

    Thank you so very much, you don’t know how much this helped me today! I have been thinking about this very topic, and found that this devotional really ‘hit’ the spot. The Lord really, really used it today already in many ways!

  6. Ruth

    i love lace. i love grace.
    when i think of lace i remember my wedding dress. it was nearly 100% lace. the day God gave me a husband.
    i also think of grace when i remember that day.

  7. Polly

    Grace is something we often forget about when it comes to our Christian walk. We think God expects perfection and we give up when something goes wrong. God’s grace is big enough to hold all of our mistakes. He’s laced up all of our sins with His grace. That’s the freedom of serving our God. Great post. We all need to be reminded of God’s grace in our life. (But I have to tell you, I could never wear a corset. I got to be able to breathe, baby).