The peace He brings

Have you ever been to a spa?  What was your experience like?  Was it calm, relaxing and pure serenity?  Surrounded by the relaxing atmosphere, calming fragrance, and the nature and tropical forest sounds did your mind clear, worries melt away, and all concerns vanish completely?  Did tranquility rule the evening?  Did you feel free from all hostility, frustrations and conflict?   

I did and every time I visit the spa I always want to jump in line to book another appointment for the following week.  My budget won’t allow me to have spa days anymore, but if it did I would love to visit everyday!  That’s why we like going to the spa!  With that being said, who doesn’t want to feel relaxed, peaceful, and calm? 

Nobody says “I want to feel stressed out, frustrated, agitated, unsettled, uneasy, turmoil, fear and burdensome” or “I want to have conflict, hostility, depression, malevolence, aggravation, or maliciousness in my life”.

When you leave the spa you are at peace, rested and relaxed!  If you had a rough day it smoothes it out and becomes calm and you are able to melt into the peacefulness.

Living a life in peace isn’t just about an “experience” or a “feeling”; it’s about a way of life.  I wouldn’t want to live any other way!  PEACE and HARMONY is what I want in my everyday life!  The peace He brings is much more than a spa experience.  It dwells inside of you and brings harmony in your life. 

Your reactions and perceptions are affected when you have peace flowing in your life.  Your reactions are more calm and gentle and the way you see things will be in more love and kindness.  You’re less likely to react in a harsh manor.

You don’t get upset, angry or offended as easily.  Peace affects your relationships in a great way.  There is less fighting and more getting along.  It’s living in PEACE and HARMONY.  

The things you once battled with on a daily basis begin to fade away.  If you battle with fear or worry it will fade away and turn into peace. 

Living a life in peace is so much easier than living in constant war where hostility and conflict rule your days.  It is easier to become agitated and stressed out when you don’t have peace in your life.  It seems everywhere you turn there is a struggle, uproar, disturbance or conflict that arises.  Your life is constantly full of fear, turmoil, and conflict! 

Psalm 4:8 “I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.”

In Him you will find peace.  He brings the peace into your life.  So the next time you have a rough day, think twice about running to the spa as fast as you can.  The bible says that he will give us peace!  Run to Him as fast as you can and soak in His presence; there in His presence you will find peace. 

When you pray for peace in your life things will begin to change and the fear, stress, struggles, negativity, hostility, and conflict will be replaced by peace which brings forth rest, security, and serenity.

John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

Sometimes I feel like running to a spa as fast as I can to feel peace and take away all my stress.  There is a much better way to find the peace that you have been looking for….in Him!!!  In God’s presence is where you will find true peace.  The peace that this world cannot offer us.   

 No Jesus, No Peace.  Know Jesus, Know Peace


Dear Lord,

To know you is to know peace.  Spa days are wonderful, but not even that comes close to comparing to being in your presence.  This world can’t offer the peace that you give us.  It’s so easy to stay stressed out and all worried about this and that and forget that we have a place of safety to run to…a place of peace and rest.  Help me Father, the next time I have forgotten that I don’t have to stay in my circumstances….I can run to you and find peace. Amen!



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5 thoughts on “The peace He brings

  1. Andie

    You are right, our only true peace is with God and he longs to give it to us all. He did, however, give us those spas, so enjoy.

  2. Nicky

    Hi Krista, What a wonderful reminder. My weekdays are so crammed with things that it is difficult at time to stop and relax experiencing the peace our Saviour offers us. Be blessed. N.

  3. LaurieLaurie Adams

    What a great message Krista. I have been to a spa and it totally sends me into a relaxed state. The peace of God has the same affect, except it doesnt cost as much! lol 🙂