The Perfect Tree

Laced with Grace extends a warm welcome to special guest Mary Beth! You can find Mary Beth sharing deep from her heart over at THE BACK FORTY!

I love Christmas and everything about it! One of the first things our family does to get in the Christmas mood is put up our tree. The busyness of the Holiday season can be overwhelming so I put my tree up the first week of November. That’s the excuse I use anyway.

My husband bought me our first artificial tree when our son, who is now 22 was 3. SO, 19 years ago. I was so excited….It was huge and I could leave it up for three months if I wanted… no watering or picking up needles required!

That first year I decorated my tree it took me days, rearranging ornaments, moving ribbons, adding baby’s breath…until I thought it looked perfect!

Then that first Sunday of December, my boy child came home from church with a Baby Jesus in a manger that he had colored in his class at church. He showed it to me and I oohed and ahhed over it like a good mom, and then he proceeded to walk over to my tree and place that baby Jesus smack dab in the middle of my PERFECT tree… Front and center!

I asked with as much love & fake sweetness I could muster, “Son…what are you doing?”

Son: “Putting baby Jesus on the tree Mommy.”

Me: “Ohhhh. You know, there is a big bare spot right over here on the side towards the back where Jesus would fit PERFECTLY!”

Son: “OH NO MOMMY… Christmas is because of Jesus so we need him right here in the middle on the front so EVERYONE can see him and know why we have Christmas!”

Well, how could a proclaimed Jesus loving mom argue with that? Fortunately for me my 3 ½ year old was very gifted at coloring.

But oh…that was only the beginning of those ornaments only mom can love on my ‘perfect’ tree…

We have the Egg carton bell.

And the pipe cleaner candy cane.

I bet no one else has one of THESE: The smashed pop can Santa Claus.
Need I say more?

AND we have to have the RED & Green paper chain…never mind that my tree was BURGANDY not RED and it didn’t match….

When he was older and didn’t care if his creations were on the front of tree, I thought… Finally…I can get back to my Perfect Tree.

Then came girl child, and low and behold if it wasn’t round two of ornamental additions.

We have the Angel who she INSISTED be the tree topper.

Another Candy cane but this one with tissue paper and 5x as large! Never thought I’d long for more pipe cleaner candy canes.

And yes another egg carton ornament. A tulip. Yes. How festive. Maybe if you live in Holland.

And let us not forget the ever-present Red & green Paper chain. However because my daughter is so crafty it is TWICE as long. Oh, and YES my tree is STILL burgundy.

I would just like to pause and say from Mother’s around the world,“BLESS ALL of you Pre-School, Sunday School and Elementary School teachers.”

For those of you with 4, 5, or 10 children. Just think, you will never ever have to buy another ornament as long. as. you. live. (Lest you think I have not one sentimental bone in my body, I cannot have my tree up without putting these ornaments somewhere on the tree… even in only visible to my eyes.)

A couple of years ago as girl child (who is now 15) and I were decorating the tree she started pulling out the old hand made ornaments and she would hold one up and say,
“I think this needs go on the back of the tree!!!!! What do you think Mom?”

I shouted, “HALLELUJAH!!!!!” and did a little elfin dance around the tree.

But do you know what still is front and center of our tree….Baby Jesus!

It helps us keep our focus on the PROMISE of Christmas.

Matthew 1:20-22 (CEV) tell us:
‘An angel from the Lord came to him (Joseph) in a dream. The angel said, “Joseph, the baby that Mary will have is from the Holy Spirit. Go ahead and marry her. Then after her baby is born, name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” So the Lord’s promise came true, just as the prophet had said.’

PRAISE GOD the PROMISE of HIS SON…JESUS…was fulfilled.

JESUS came….was born of an immaculate conception…lived a sinless life…and died on the cross for us…so we could be redeemed…saved from sin and death…then rose again on the third day…alive. He desires to live in you & me… to be the LORD of our lives.

So I ask you today..

  • what is at the center of your tree this Christmas season?
  • WHO is at the center of your heart as we celebrate the birth of our Savior?

We are all human and get a little off balance. Ask the Lord to help you be intentional in the weeks to come to place Him front and center of all you are and everything you do so, as my 3 year old said, “So everyone can see Him and know why we have Christmas.”

Please visit Mary Beth over at

4 thoughts on “The Perfect Tree

  1. LaurieLaurie Adams

    Mary Beth, thank you for sharing from your heart with us today. I always LOVE your stories and this one is awesome! May we not forget the special memories that we all have from Christmas past … especially that first Christmas! 🙂

  2. Bernadine

    Mary Beth, I love this devotion, it brought a big smile on my face. Since I would love to assist as many people as possible in getting that perfect Christmas tree, this elementary school teacher is going to have her class make some of those beautiful ornaments to take home this week:)

  3. MicheleMichele

    For years our tree was full of homemade ornaments along with those “special” ornaments from our daughter and later our grandson. You eventually get to decorate your tree the way you want, but then you find out you miss those special ornaments. We have even had a “children” tree where they could decorate any way they want. Always special too… Great reminder that Christ is the true meaning of Christmas. Thank you..
