Fully Charged…Full of Peace

“And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.” Mark 4:39

Peace.   Sounds easy doesn’t it….sometimes having peace is the most difficult thing in a day. If you were to see me as I drive home most days, you’d wonder who I was talking to. Was I on the phone? Not any phone you could see. This phone is not connected to my ear, but to my heart. It has a direct, no roaming charges, line to the throne.   Wow! I can talk for hours! You see, He is in “my circle”.   Actually, I’m in “His circle” since I am “His child”! Only He can truly understand my heart and what is going on inside there.

He has spoken peace in my life so many times I have lost count! When He speaks in your life through His divine Word, it brings peace. When He speaks to your heart through prayer, He brings peace, and all is still…..When was the last time you felt the “stillness” of the Holy Spirit?

When I am driving to work, and am having a conversation with my Father, I feel that peace, envelope me as nothing else can.   He is right there with me listening to my “praise and worship music”.  He listens, as I listen,to His Story being read (my Bible on CD!!!).  He revels in it, because it is all about HIM!

In our daily “phone conversations” with God, if we stray too far from the tower (cross), our connection has so much static on the line that we may fail to hear Him.  While this won’t prevent Him from hearing us, we may fail to “hear Him”….  our receiver (heart) may be the problem…We even find our lives lacking “peace“.  

Through the trials of life,  we may sometimes find ourselves in an area where we feel (not that we are), totally in a “no service zone”.  We feel no “peace“. 

If I leave my cell phone turned on when I go to my mothers, it goes completely dead —it uses all the battery power to “search for the tower”.  I have to change locations….move to an area (get closer to the cross), where “service is available” in order to be able to communicate with anyone!  If I don’t relocate myself, then I cannot use my phone to communicate. 

When we don’t communicate with our Father…..we may begin to notice changes in ourselves.  We may notice that bitterness, unbelief, self-pity, resentment, etc. has entered our lives and may even try to take over. 

At this point we can know that we have allowed our circumstances to become our god. We concentrate on that, instead of Who’s on the line, waiting for us to get back to tower range.   Stay near the cross,  where the blood of Christ still flows for you and me.

 The Cross offers forgiveness to all who will ask, no matter how damaged or dead the “phone line”.   To all who will have the faith to believe.   What our lives could be if we would just stay charged up on Him!  We would have peace.  Abundantly!

“If you do this, you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus”. Philippians 4:7 NLT

My sweet Lord Jesus, I ask you today, recharge us, refill us, and keep us connected.  I don’t want to ever “miss Your call”.  Enable us to do all that you ask and require of us.  I pray right now for each reader, that You would give them the “peace” that comes from communication with You.  Help us to feel that blanket of peace as it surrounds our lives.  In Your precious name I pray…believing….and loving You above all else, Amen.

Trusting Him,


7 thoughts on “Fully Charged…Full of Peace

  1. aimee

    You describe prayer so well and the peace He gives. You must know His Peace, you know Him. The saying is true: No God, no peace; know God, know peace. Thank you for sharing His word, I was blessed!

  2. Joyce

    What a thought of peace. I now realize why I had not been hearing him.Resetment is big in my thoughts. Right now I will start pray for healing and forgivness for thoses thoughts. Thank you so much.

  3. Connie

    Our generation… sadly live on phones… not just any phone but cell phones..

    if only they talked to our Savior like they do to whoever it is that they talk to for endless hours…

    how sweet your words are…