Perfect way to say “I LOVE YOU!”

It is so funny to me as I look down the greeting card aisle at Walmart, to see grown men lined up and down the aisle just staring ahead, eyes glazed over, trying to find the perfect card that expresses their undying love for their sweetie.

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and people are rushing around trying to find the “perfect” way to say “I love you!” Nowadays, there are many creative and beautiful cards that say it all. Some are quiet and some will play your favorite song when it is opened. If you can’t say “I love you” with a card, how about some roses or a box of chocolate or diamonds?

So many choices to help us prove our love to someone. While I do think that most women do enjoy and appreciate a rose, or a card and perhaps some delicious chocolates or a sparkling diamond, such gifts that come with no meaning behind them, have absolutely no purpose!

There are plenty of people who misunderstand love, it is not about a special day. Love isn’t even about giving gifts. Love is a verb. Action. Actions really do speak louder than words. There has never been a clearer example of this than the act of love extended to us on the cross. With arms stretched open, the act of love was expressed thru the act of dying.

God’s love is clearly defined by actions!

Romans 5:10 “For if while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.”

The Bible states that “God is love” (1 John 4:8), His Word tells us that He created everything in love. Everything about love originates with Him and is based upon Him. Sorry folks, cupid DID NOT invent love! Actually, God’s desire for such a love relationship began even before the world was created. but God’s love is not bound by OUR committment to Him, instead God’s love is bound by WHO God is.

God is never unfaithful. He never lies. He never changes. His love is everlasting and steadfast. His love is genuine, unlike man’s love, that sometimes is selfish and self seeking and forgotten.

Valentine’s Day is really over commercialized. Merchants are trying to sell us on what gift is best to show our love. If only all those glossy eyed Valentine customers would realize that the best expression of love has already been written and it cannot be found in Hallmark. The best love gift anyone could give this Valentines Day is the book of love, written by God Himself.

As you look toward Valentine’s Day tomorrow and you ask yourself, “What does love got to do with it?” – Remember, it has EVERYTHING to do with it! This great gift of love cannot be baked, cannot be bought or even smelt, all we can do is unwrap it and rejoice in it!

This is what love is: it is not that we  have loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the means by which  our sins are forgiven.   1John 4:10


Blessings, Laurie


5 thoughts on “Perfect way to say “I LOVE YOU!”

  1. Heather Strickland

    Love this,Laurie! This day is very overcommercialized! I love what you said about the greatest display of love has happened. It’s sort of sad seeing all the people still searching for love,when Jesus is waiting for them.

    1. LaurieLaurie

      Thank you for the comment Heather. It really is over commercialized. Why do we even need a day set aside to say I LOVE YOU…that should be done 365 days a year. 🙂

  2. Iris

    Amen to that, Laurie. Yes, Valentine’s day has become very commercialized. I see little corner shops pop up around town with bears, chocolates, and balloons. Honestly, a little crazy if you ask me.

    God’s love is incredible and will never be matched. If we understand that love, we truly know what love is.