Two things to remember on Election Day

I have thought and prayed for some time about what to share as today is Election Day here in the United States. Of all the many things I could share today, I would like to remind you of two things.

First, please pray. Pray about your selections if you have not yet voted. Pray for the process to be honest. Pray for the candidates, not just our Presidential candidates but those in other races as well.  Pray for Christians to vote.  Pray for people to vote based on values and morals, not just voting for someone because of “party lines.”   Pray for those working at the polling places. Pray that people make the time to get out and vote. Cover this day in prayer asking for God’s hand to be upon the entire process.

Second, don’t worry. I have at times read reports about this election and felt fear in my heart. This is such a huge election on so many levels. My husband and I were talking one night about things, speculating what it will be like Wednesday morning if this happens or that happens. Then at that moment this song came on the radio called “Where I Belong” by a group called Building 429.  It was such a great reminder during that conversation for me, and I have been reminding myself of the fact that this world and the USA is not my home.

God is in control, not man. We read in the Word that He is the one who has established the authorities. “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” Romans 13:1
We do not need to be afraid. The enemy would like for us to be fearful and worry. We can be assured that whatever happens, the One we worship is still the King and He is in control of everything, including this election.

Lord, we come humbly before You, seeking You on this important day. Thank You that we live here as Americans and can vote. So many have served and continue to serve to protect our freedoms, bless them and their families and let us not take this privilege for granted. We come to You today and ask that your hand be upon this election process. Help the process go smoothly without arguments or fighting. Let us see You at work. We pray for truth and honesty from everyone involved. Guide us, help our country that we love so dearly. In Your Son’s name we pray, Amen.

“The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:15-17

And one more thing:  If you have not voted yet, please go vote today!

Have a day of blessings!

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7 thoughts on “Two things to remember on Election Day

  1. Pat

    Very good post there is so much hate going on and if we truly trust God,then why should we be afraid or filled with worry.It makes no sense to me,God surely is in total control whatever the outcome is.
    Love you 😀

  2. Denise

    Great post! We have to trust that God will put those in to power that He has decided shall be in power. Trust that God has a plan that is far bigger, and that the Lord’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10) !!! 🙂

    Blessings and love,

  3. Debbie

    Sorry, I wrote a long comment but forgot to click on a fruit. I really am human. I hope I remember what I wrote though.

    I am in agreement with you on this Bethany. First of all, we must exercise our right to vote. Each vote does count!

    Second, we must not worry. God is in control. I think of Daniel in the OT who was lived with a ruler who did not worship the One True God. And yet, Daniel continued to pray and was used mightily by God for His glory.

    May we all pray for our elected officials. Even if we don’t always agree, we can pray. God is in control.

    Blessings and love,