
For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes. — 1 Corinthians 11:26 (NIV)

I read this verse just recently in an Upper Room devotional and the writer that day helped me see a profound connection I’d missed before.

The Old Testament gives us numerous examples of the animal sacrifices required from the Israelites to keep peace with God. Along with this, we have something like 300 prophecies of Christ’s birth and sacrifice, which He fulfilled. He came as the perfect lamb of God to be the final sacrifice for us. Our Messiah and Savior.

The Old Testament is also full of monuments and altars built in tribute to God. In a literal sense, these piles of stones spoke of God’s protection, provision and much more. And always, the instruction was to remember what God had done.

Here’s where the dots got connected for me and still leave me awestruck. As 1 Cor. 11:26 says, we are to practice communion in remembrance of Jesus did for us. This act is a monument for us, just like the stones were for the Israelites.

And just like Christ’s death was the final sacrifice, communion is our final monument to what God did. No other sacrifices are needed. Nor are any other monuments. When Christ died on the cross and said it was finished, he really meant it was finished. Nothing else was required.

Except to remember.

Praying and believing,

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7 thoughts on “Remember

  1. Iris

    Ha – my spam word for this morning is ‘love’…how fitting. I too am awestruck by what God had done on the cross in order for us to be reconciled to Him. I am so thankful for the cross.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.

  2. LaurieLAURIE

    I never want to forget the sacrifice and the great love that is extended to me. Thank you for the great reminder that we must always remember the cost of the cross! -blessings!

  3. LindaLinda

    It is a wonderful truth Dineen. As we remember, we pass a treasured legacy on to those who come after us – that they too might remember.

  4. AngieAngie

    Dineen, what a message! I so enjoy “Upper Room” devotions! They minister to my heart so many times.

    As I read this, I remembered a time when our girls were young and we were teaching them about Communion and had a communion service for them in our home–what a precious time!