Smooshing Bugs

I guess you would consider me a rotten mommy because I absolutely can’t stand to play trucks or army men or dolls or play pretend. I never enjoyed it as a kid and it is certainly something I don’t enjoy now. After the guilt of not “playing” with the kids sets in for a while, I will give in and generally look for bugs or try to catch lizards or go on a nature hike in the back yard.

Well, the other day we were all on top of the picnic table looking at a few of our catches. We were smooshing a few and enjoying the guts splattering here and there. Actually that is my first daughter’s famous trait. No bug has a chance around her.

We came across one tiny bug that we all just knew would have black guts. After we gave her permission to do her job, the three of us sat up in shock to see that this tiny bug had green guts. We were all so amazed and the kids even wanted to take a picture to show Daddy later. (I chose not to since we have successfully hidden this adventure from him thus far. He would not be proud of us.) Anyway, it was a great day of bug smooshing and we all were amazed at God’s creation!

After the kids had all gone to nap, I sat back ready to just relax for a minute before starting those “no kids around” chores. I was thinking back to our adventure of the day and wondered if God was proud that I had taught my kids to smoosh His creations. I am still not sure of that answer, but I did learn something and I know it was from the Lord.

There are many times I am that bug about to be smooshed or a least put under lots of pressure. The Lord asked me a question, “Leigh, when you are being smooshed and you do begin to ooze, what comes out?” When the kids are squealing and you need just five more minutes to finish dinner, do you ooze patience or do you scream, “Leave me alone”? When you know you have been wrongly accused and can’t do a thing to make it right, do you get angry and pout, or do you ooze kindness and the goodness of God? What are you oozing?

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control.”
Galatians 5:22-23

Leigh (Speaking Thru Me)

17 thoughts on “Smooshing Bugs

  1. Adrienne


    This made me laugh, and then it made me think. Alot. About the bug guts that I ooze under pressure, and they’re not always nice.

    Have a blessed day!

  2. eph2810

    I don’t think that I ooze the fruit of the Spirit most times under pressure. Sometimes I ooze a little of the green stuff…

    Thank you for making me think this morning.

  3. Sharon

    Well I didn’t think that I particularly enjoyed bug squishing either until I thought about mosquitoes. Now those are some bugs i love to squish. Although I don’t really want to see what comes out. 🙂
    I pray God loves what He sees coming out of all of us today.

  4. leighgray

    Iris – I know for sure that there is nothing but goodness that comes out of you over email and blog posts!! Adorable – that’s you!!

  5. leighgray

    Hey Sharon – I see your name so often on Nicki’s blog comments – thanks for leaving one for me. You are always so kind, compassionate, and truly lovely! Have a wonderful day! Leigh

  6. LynnLynn


    Something to think about.. What do others see when I am under pressure. hmmmmm

    I need to take this to the Lord. Thank you.

  7. denise w

    I hate that crunch sound when you step on a bug.. Hate it for sure.. I also hate that when underpressure I do not ooze love…. Help me Lord to be a bug full of love and when crunched I will ooze the fruit………. hahah


  8. Tonya

    What a HOOT! I LOVE the bug illustration… We should DEFINITELY “ooze” JESUS when we’re under pressure. I’ll think about that the next time our boys are wearing on my nerves! (Ha!)

    As for squishing bugs… I’m RIGHT WITH YOU SISTER! I HATE em!! They SCARE ME TO DEATH!! I’m a big whiney baby when it comes to creepy crawly things. ;-D

  9. leighgray

    Lynn, Denise, and Tonya – thanks for being such a great sport about our bug killing fmaily. Even in those silly things the Lord teaches me much. May His named be praised for speaking simply to the simple – ME!!! Have a wonderful day!!

  10. Kim

    Loving God’s lessons! I once cut a worm in half on purpose, then began to cry over what I had done to one of God’s creations! My Boyfriend (now husband) got a good look at who he was marrying! LOL! Thanks for the great lesson. Today I’ll be checking what I oooze to my kids on yet another snow day!

  11. Bob

    That’s great! My wife squishes bugs wearing her strappy heel sandals. The bugs go crunch, flat, splat, and I end up cleaning the mess LOL!

  12. Tina

    keep on squirting those buggers under your feet, I don’t like’em as well!