The Driveway Leading Home

     Last summer my husband and I broadened our exercise routine.  We went from walking three miles most days to riding bikes.  We can ride all year round here in Texas, and it is a really enjoyable way to exercise.  We found a route that takes us over country roads with very little traffic.  There are just enough hills to make it a pretty good workout.

     Along our route we pass a driveway that intrigues us.  It is just a single lane dirt road with worn tire tracks on either side of a grass median.  It is fairly long, and at the end of it there is a worn gate.  There is no house to be seen,  just that sweet little driveway that reminds me of “The Secret Garden”, winding its way to an unseen home.

    The other day my husband said that driveways remind him a bit of our life here on earth.  Some are long and adventurous, stretching out of sight; while others are just a few feet long leading right to the house.  So it is for us.

     For some life stretches out for many years, winding away into the distance.  And for others, it is just a brief span of time – a short distance home.  My daughter recently lost a friend, a young woman just beginning her life, and our consolation was that she had gone home to be with the Lord.  The short, simple driveway led her home very quickly.  At the same time, we recently celebrated my Dad’s 88th birthday – a long and rich life – a driveway that has still not reached home.  We are very blessed.

     When we have been traveling for any length of time, it always feels good to turn into the driveway and see the lights of home.  My husband built our home, and it is very special to me.  It speaks warmth, family and love every time I walk in the door.

      So it is when we reach the end of the “driveway” of our lives.  The Master Builder has prepared a home for each of us who are His children, and He has made the length of that driveway exactly according to plan.  When we reach the end and see the lights of home, we know that we will find all that heaven has to offer waiting for us.  And He will be there – the One who we have been longing to see.  The One who has given us the hope of heaven and life eternal.  There will be others waiting there as well – those who have made the trip before us.  It is all waiting – warmth, family, love – and Love Himself.

     I am thankful that He knows our days and Has lovingly written the story of our lives before we were even born.  I am thankful that this life is just a “driveway” that will, in His time, lead us home.  I am thankful that that home is a place where there is no more suffering, no tears, no pain, no death, no night.  It is our eternal home – the likes of which we cannot even imagine.  I am thankful for the hope and the promise of heaven. 

Jesus has promised: “In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.”      John 14: 2,3   (NAS)


8 thoughts on “The Driveway Leading Home

  1. Julie

    Hi Linda,

    I enjoyed the whole driveway analogy, very nice…and true! They ARE like our lives. (Tell your hubby thanks!)

    But now I’m thinking…I wonder what my driveway in heaven will look like? Will it be gold? Will there even BE driveways?

  2. kerri

    Beautifully written Linda.
    I too love turning into our driveway after we’ve been away…such a comforting sight. I’m sure that final driveway will feel the same way 🙂

  3. LynnLynn

    Wow Linda..

    The Master Builder has prepared a home for each of us who are His children, and He has made the length of that driveway exactly according to plan….. Amen… This post fills me up with a new anticipation for our home in heaven. Thank you.

  4. BernadineBernadine

    Linda, this is such a beautiful post. I love the illustration that you used. It’s always amazing to me the objects that God uses to illustrate his truths.
    Thanks for sharing

  5. eph2810

    My driveway is turning and twisting right now, but I take the comfort that our Heavenly Father has already cemented the path. I just have to listen to Him more to get back on that path when I end up in the ditch.

    Thank you so much for sharing, Linda – as always your thoughts bless my socks off.