“The voice of thy thunder was in the heaven: the lightning lighted the world; the earth trembled and shook.” Psalm 77:18 KJV

This past Wednesday morning the sound of thunder and the heavens lighted up from close by lightning woke me at 1:45 am.  My entire bedroom was awash with the light from the not too far away lightning, and the immediate loud rolling thunder was almost deafening.

I quickly got out of bed and went to my front door, opened it and looked out.  The whole scene was amazing and lit up with grandeur of sight and sound.

It was if every fiber of my being was awakened to the very knowing of being with God. Immediately feeling such a strong, deep presence of God began coursing through me. I said out loud, “Lord is this just weather or are you speaking to me?

I felt as if I was lost in the lightning and rolling thunder fully engulfed in the Presence of God.  Although it was a mighty spiritual awakening in my mind and body it seemed that a small voice was saying to my spirit man, “always look for God whether in the smallest whisper, or in the loudest roll and crack of thunder and lightning.”

I started to close the door and go back to bed and I heard so clearly in my spirit man, “Stay with Me, praise Me, spend time with Me.” Oh God, let me always take the time to spend with you even when it would be better to be dry and out of the storm.  There is a lesson in that sentence, whether in the calm or in the storm God is ALWAYS WITH US—but will we always stay with Him until it passes? I want to be willing and obedient at all times to the voice of my Savior. After all HE GAVE HIS ALL FOR ME AND FOR YOU.

I want to give my all for Him, and I want you to join me, dear readers Jesus is coming so soon I hope we are all ready and looking every day for His returning for His bride.

Blessings Gloria.   Join me on my website “His Grace is Always Amazing

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