One Step At A Time

I am a Grandmother.  One would think that, having reached this season in life, I would have great stores of wisdom to dispense to everyone around me.    The truth is, I often find myself both praying for wisdom and looking to others to share with me what they know to be wise counsel.  I am blessed to still be able to count my eighty-six year old mother as one of those counselors.

About a month ago she fell and broke her hip.  Once we knew that she would be all right,  my thoughts centered on my ninety year old father.  He has had numerous health problems over the past couple of years and is now in dialysis three days a week.  I spent many sleepless nights worrying about how we were going to take care of  him and my mom.

For some reason, I find it difficult to rest and pray when circumstances are overwhelming.  I offer up hurried little fragments and then proceed to try to walk under the weight of the burden.  It doesn’t work very well.

My mother, knowing how upset I was becoming trying to figure it all out and do all that needed to be done, finally said to me,  “Let’s just take it one step at a time.  If we do that, it will all work out.”

She is a very wise woman.  I felt myself  begin to relax, as though I had been holding my breath for a long time and could finally take a deep inhalation.  I thought I could hear the Father’s whispered echo behind her words.  It was what He had been trying to tell me all along.

So we are taking one step at a time, and it is all working out.  The Father has promised us grace and strength sufficient for each day.  It is really the only one we have.   Yesterday is gone, and we may not  have tomorrow.  It is enough to know He holds it in His hands and will be waiting there with everything we need to make it through.  He is faithful to do all He has promised to do.

“When my spirit was overwhelmed within me Thou didst know my path…”

Psalm 142:3

“And He has said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.”

II Cor. 12:9a



7 thoughts on “One Step At A Time

  1. Iris

    Oh, so true…we too often worry about tomorrow, but don’t enjoy the here and now. I make a daily choice to take one day at a time 🙂

    Thank you so much for sharing from your heart.

  2. Amy

    Thank you so much for this…I felt a peacefulness wash over me with each insight you shared. One thing at a time and God is in control…God is so good!

  3. JoanJoan

    So true! I have found this to be a Godly circle – As I have been learning to not worry about the future, and instead take one day at a time with the Lord, He is increasing my faith! And then, with increased faith, it is getting easier to take things “one step at a time”. Thanks for sharing! Your mom is a wise one!

  4. Karen

    Both of my grandmothers were wise and all knowing…to me at imagine my surprise when I became a grandma and still seemed to stumble along…

    “For some reason, I find it difficult to rest and pray when circumstances are overwhelming. I offer up hurried little fragments and then proceed to try to walk under the weight of the burden. “…this could have been me writing this…

    The Lord has blessed me with a wise mom, too…I am so thankful!

  5. MicheleMichele

    Great wisdom from your mom as well. Live in the moment… don’t worry about tomorrow… God is in control… I need that reminder all too often too!

    God bless you