Surrendering Control of Our Out of Control Lives

Battles—we all have them. When we’re in the thick of it, life can seem like we’re alone in a deep, dark valley, with no way out. Feelings of anxiety, fear, doubt, and discouragement can overwhelm us if we fail to remember the scope of God’s sovereign care.

There they were, the Israelites were hemmed in by the sea before them and the Egyptian army in hot pursuit behind them. A seemingly impossible situation. But God was in control. He wanted the Israelites to know He was their Deliverer and their Salvation. As they stood on the edge of the Red Sea, some may have felt they were on the edge of extinction. Then Moses spoke these words found in Exodus 14:14: “The LORD will fight for you; you need only be still.” The Lord then told Moses to lift up his staff, stretch out his hand over the sea and divide it so the Israelites could walk across on DRY land. No getting bogged down in the mud…those sandals were DRY.

What battle are you facing today? Financial, relational, health, spiritual, addiction, doubt abuse, anger, unforgiveness, fear, a false sense of identity? Whatever it is, God will fight this battle with you and give you victory. Do you trust Him? Are you willing to surrender control of your out-of-control life, and place your battle into His hands? Let your heart and soul be still.

Lord Jehovah Nissi,

You are my banner, my victory. I place into Your hands my battle with _______________ (fill in the blank). I surrender it to you. Remind me to trust that You are fighting the battle for me, You are the only One, who can give me victory in this. I surrender my will to You. I know I can’t fight this battle alone, I need you to fight for me. Thank You for giving me the victory.

It’s in Your Strong Name I pray,  Amen.

Keep praying. Keep lifting up the name of the Lord our banner, Jehovah Nissi. You never have to fight alone. Our Father never expected us to have to fight alone. He is here to fight with us. Give it to Him and He WILL give you the VICTORY!

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