Take Care of Yourself

As Christians, we are taught and assume the role of taking care of others. Putting others needs before our own is something that I have watched my husband do for years as he has served in ministry. Following Christ’s example of laying down one’s life for others is a self sacrificial fiber that should live within all of us as Followers of Christ.

It is difficult for many people who have this serving others mentality to step back and think of themselves. Putting an emphasis on our own self almost seems selfish when the needs of others are lurking so rapidly around us. Can I remind you, my friend, that taking care of YOU is not a selfish matter. In fact, I think it is never God’s plan for His people to neglect themselves for the purpose of ministry.

A recent trip to the emergency room with a loved one reminded me of this once again. In the book of Genesis, God instructs us to take care of all of His creation, not just the animals and plants, but taking care of His creations means taking care of ourselves. We are God’s creation.

When we don’t eat right, sleep right and live right ~ we can’t minister right. God doesn’t need us to do everything (that’s His job), but the one thing that He needs us to do is take care of ourselves so that when He calls upon us, we have the strength, the mindset and the discernment to do what He asks and do it well.

Taking time for yourself is not a bad thing, even Jesus took time to rest. Rest not only helps our bodies to recharge but rest also allows our mind and our spirit to reconnect with God.

Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

When is the last time that you took time for yourself and found rest in God?


@copyright2019 laurieadams

*for more of my devotions, follow my devotion page on Facebook: womentakingastand.

2 thoughts on “Take Care of Yourself

  1. Luwana

    Even Jesus escaped the crowd to pray on the mountain. A rest empowers us emotionally and physically. A good reminder.

  2. Iris Nelson

    Powerful message, Laurie. I actually took a day off on Friday to reset. It has been a tough year for us, but I know that God is giving me the strength I need.