Are You Tired Lately?

Hope written in sand

I’ve noticed a disturbing trend recently.

Everyone I talk to is tired. Tired of daily stress. Tired of busyness. Tired of summer heat. Tired of financial or health problems. Tired of praying. Tired of their loved ones. And tired of even trying.

Last week, my college-aged son and his two friends were in a ugly car wreck. Their lives were spared by only a second or two. Wow, as a mom that was hard to see. Thank God, they are not hurt. Anyway as I stood nearby the accident, one of the moms said, “I’m just so tired,” And as tears fell from her eyes, she repeated, “I’m just so tired.”

I understand because I’m tired too.

Lately I’ve thought things like, why bother and who cares. I’ve even considered about giving up on my dreams and running away from my responsibilities. You name it, I’ve thought it. I know this isn’t faith-filled thinking. More like destruction waiting to happen.

So how can we keep the faith when we are beyond tired, when weariness hits hard?

I think I found a clue as I reread a chapter in Isaiah. It’s chapter 4o, which is subtitled, “Comfort for God’s People.”

Who doesn’t need a little more comfort these days?

I know I do.

I won’t post the whole chapter here, but I will share the last several verses for your encouragement.

28 Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.
29 He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
31 but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

Did you notice our God never grows tired or weary?

What comfort.

These verses also remind me that I cannot find new strength on my own or in anything. But I can renew my strength by hoping again. And not just any hope, but hope in the Lord. What a relief because hoping in Tiffany isn’t working.

Feeling hopeless is dangerous territory.

So today I’m focused on hope again.

Everlasting God, I’m comforted by reading that You never tire or grow weary. Please renew my strength as I once again place my hope in You.  In the powerful name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Thankful and feeling a little less tired,

Tiffany from Tea with Tiffany

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5 thoughts on “Are You Tired Lately?

  1. LaurieLaurie Adams

    I sit here in my recliner after working a 9 hour day and feeling oh so tired. Not just physically but as of late, it seems alot of things have been hitting me hard … causing me to feel drained but as I seek Him, He gives me every ounce of strength that I need. What a wonderful post, Im feeling refreshed already after reading it. 🙂 Thanks Tiffany.

    1. Tiffany

      Thanks, Laurie. I’m glad to know you feel His refreshment when you need it most. I can imagine I’d be tired too after a 9 hour work day.

  2. Iris

    I am tired all the time too, Tiffany. But like you, when I put hope in myself, it is not working. I am thankful that the Lord gives me hope and strength every new day.

    Thank you for your encouragement, Tiffany.

  3. BarbaraJean

    I have noticed an epidemic of tiredness among some ladies. I even experienced such. Rejoicing is what brings me out of it. “The Joy of the Lord is our Strength” and “A Merry Heart does good like a Medicine”. I had almost given up blogging again but decided if even one person was blessed by it, it was worth breaking through and going forth. Nice to be back blogging again. Bless you!