No Trespassing!

I’m a story teller.  Give me a word and I spin a yarn.  Give me a scenario and I’ll create a compelling story line.  Harmless enough, right?  Until it actually breeds something to worry about.

Not long after my son learned to drive, he was late getting home one night.  Living in the mountains I began to envision all kinds of scenarios that involved him running off the road, rolling down a mountainside, landing upside in his truck and dead.  As I’m spinning this tale in my mind, tears would begin to stream down my cheeks because I just knew he was dead!  (I know, I’m morbid.)  Minutes later he came bounding through the door, gave me a kiss on the cheek and asked me what I was crying about. I never had the heart to tell him I thought he was dead, I’d just told him I was worried about him.

Trespassing Sign Generator Worry. What a debilitating word. It can freeze us in our tracks.  It brings about fear because we’ve realized we’ve lost control of a situation.

Worry has a sister.  Her name is anxiety.  She’s actually the emotional response to worry.

And then there’s Worry’s cousin, concern.  Concern puts up a yellow flag and says, “Whoa! What’s wrong here?”  Concern isn’t bad,  he’s actually helpful. But when worry and anxiety come creeping in, they can hold you captive and make you a prisoner in your own home.

What do you do when worry comes knocking on your door and trespasses into your domain?  Fret? Cry? Plead? Manipulate? Fantasize?

There are four things I’ve learned to do to get rid of this trespasser.

  1. I have nothing to prove by worrying. So I embrace the cross of faith.  Galatians 2:20 clearly tells me I’ve been crucified with Christ and the life I live is His.  I’m to live my life by faith in the Son of God.
  2. I’m to exchange my load for His yoke and yoke up with Him. Matthew 11:28,29 says “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls.”  When I exchange my load, I am to come to Him, take His yoke, and learn from Him.
  3. I must choose NOT to worry.  I’m to put off worry and anxiety and put on prayer, trust in God’s sovereignty and Fatherly care.  Do I really think I can change one thing by worrying about it?  Put your mouse on this passage, Matthew 6:25-34 to see the cure for worry.               Working yourself up into a worry session? Don’t do it!   Stop it!  See also Philippians 4:6-9; 1 Peter 5:7; Psalm 27:5,25
  4. I must face the issue through faith and reality.  That’s exactly what Abraham did in Genesis 22 when he was faced with the possibility of sacrificing his son.

The next time worry comes knocking at your door, tell him to move on!  No trespassing allowed in this household of faith.

Father, I thank You for helping me to see worry for what it is, a sin. Thank You for inviting me to yoke up with You, to come to You and take up Your yoke and to learn of You and Your sovereignty.   In Jesus Name, Amen.

Seeking Him

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8 thoughts on “No Trespassing!

  1. eph2810

    You are right Marsha. Worry can get us so tangled up. When I start to worry, I start praying…I have to remember that God is still in control…

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and marvelous Scripture passages.

  2. Rosy Caesar

    Oh Marsha! how would I thank you? Thank you, thank you so much and love you for bringing the Lord to me! Yesterday I really had a bad time, He has reached to me but today He affirmed it through you. Guess what, I felt the strong need of Peace and have written the same on my blog. And today when I want to leave a comment, the anti spam word given to me is ‘PEACE’. Lord’s peace to you too Marsha! Praise and Glory to be Him both now and forever. Amen

  3. Debbie

    My anti-spam word… Jesus… the source of peace.. the one to whom we take our worries. Thanks so much for this wonderful post this morning.

    help me not to worry when this world’s cares get me down. Help me trust your sovereign will in my life.

  4. Karen

    Excellent advice from the Word…great reminders….

    anti spam word….Christ….let him open the door when worry comes knocking….