Truth in the Streets

Justice is turned back, And righteousness stands far away; For truth has stumbled in the street, And uprightness cannot enter. Isaiah 59:14 NASB

Last month, our family took a trip to visit my husband’s parents in the mountains of Northeast Georgia. I had bought Mark a GPS as a Christmas gift but this was the first trip in which we were able to test it out. To our surprise, it had actually been fairly accurate. We were driving back to Mark’s parent’s home from a waterfall hike in North Carolina. We punched in their address and let the GPS be our guide. It seemed to be doing well until it directed us to “Turn Right” on a road that didn’t exist. In fact, where the GPS wanted us to turn was a guardrail and steep cliff off the side of the mountain and there was no road within a few miles. For the next few miles we had to listen to it tell us to “perform U-turn when possible.” I was reminded of a commercial where a car crashes through a window because the GPS had told it to. Thankfully, we didn’t follow our machine’s directions – or I might not be here to share this somewhat humorous story.

You know, had we followed our GPS, we could’ve had dire circumstances. Obviously, when we saw a guard rail, steep cliff and no road, we knew not to turn. We knew not to blindly follow the directions that the GPS gave us. I think the same can be true when it comes to our Christian walk.

God has blessed us with extremely gifted Bible teachers, pastors and authors. There are incredible Bible scholars who do awesome work in aiding us in our study and Spiritual walk. As wonderful as they are, they are not a replacement for our own study and quest to discover and understand the truths found in scripture. As believers and students of God’s word, we should view everything that we are taught in light of the scriptures. Of course, this isn’t something we can do if we do not spend our own time investing in the study of God’s word.

There is no doubt that the verse in Isaiah is true today. Truth has stumbled in the streets. Unfortunately, some who claim to be Christian teachers are aiding in false teachings. I don’t believe everyone who teaches something incorrect does it purposefully. However, there may be some who do. The point is simple; we shouldn’t blindly follow anyone’s teaching. If a Bible teacher ever teaches something contrary to Scripture, we need to know that and we need to know not to follow it. There will always be disagreements but we should be committed to the truth in Scripture.

God’s word will never let us down. You will never find any error, any mistake, or any direction that will lead you astray. God’s word is perfect. Enjoy your favorite Bible teachers. I certainly do mine (I promise not to list them). Just remember to invest your own time in the study of God’s word. You won’t be disappointed and you won’t be told to drive off a cliff.

Dear Lord, Father, I ask that you would open my eyes to see your truth and the truth of your word. Open my eyes to areas that I need to work on and give me the hunger and desire to stay grounded. Lord, I lift up each lady who reads this today and ask your blessing upon them. Help each one of them to grow in their walk in you. In Jesus name, Amen.

In Christ Alone, Renee

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8 thoughts on “Truth in the Streets

  1. eph2810

    Amen to that, Renee. We do need to make sure that we test everything against Scripture

    I too am glad that you didn’t follow the GPS device 🙂

    Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us.