What is Best




Isa 48:17


17 This is what the Lord says —

your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel:

“I am the Lord your God,

who teaches you what is best for you,

who directs you in the way you should go.



Our church makes it a habit to greet each new year with a 21-day fast.  It is a time for self-reflection, digging into His Word and seeking God’s will for the new year.  In a way, it is a first fruits offering of time.

Often, during this season, I hear the Lord whisper direction to my heart or sense him plant a desire to do something within my spirit.  Sometimes those directions are the very thing I had hoped to hear- but sometimes they come as a surprise.  Totally unexpected.

I have a tendency to make a plan or devise a strategy-  sometimes, only to realize that I did not consult the Lord at all about my plan.  His plans are always based on His purpose.  Not only His purpose for my life, but with a larger Kingdom purpose.  When we look at what we want, what we hope to accomplish,  it is usually with tunnel vision.  How it will affect us.  How it will make us feel.  But His plan always considers the impact on those around us.  Those within our sphere of influence.  Those that He has foreordained for us to impact.  Sometimes, we are not even aware of those people.  So how could we ever plan for them?

When we seek the Lord’s counsel and direction, a much wider view comes into play.  Yes,  He cares for me infinitely and tenderly- but not to the exclusion of my brother or sister.  His plan is not selfish or self-serving.  His plan is always about furthering His Kingdom- causing others to hear the Good News of salvation.  Encouraging the down-trodden, healing the hurting, providing physical and material assistance, this is the stuff that God’s plan is made of.

God blesses us with intellect.  He gives us wisdom and enables us to be major players in our lives and in the lives of others.  But directing….?  Direction is His to give.  He alone knows the end from the beginning.  He alone can teach us what is best for us.  He can direct us in the way we should go.

Sometimes God’s direction is so very practical- pay this bill first.  Do this chore last.  Mundane, ordinary things.  But things that an over-stressed, over-hurried person like myself needs to hear.

No matter your New Year’s resolutions, plans or desires, you cannot go wrong seeking out the Lord’s counsel and direction for your new year.  He longs to reveal His secrets to you.  He desires to mature you and make you fruitful for His work.  Will you join me today in seeking His path for 2016?

Dear God, shine the spotlight of your truth in my heart.  Show me hidden, selfish agendas.  Wrong attitudes and motives.  Grudges and offenses.  Wash them clean, I pray.  Show me the path that you have chosen for me.  Help me to be fruitful in the places you have planted me.  Purify my heart and whisper direction to me.  Speak to me through your Word- and give me a willing heart to obey.  In Jesus’ Name.  Amen.

Happy New Year!



One thought on “What is Best

  1. Iris

    Amen to that, Sherri. You are right, often times we seek our own agenda without consulting God for direction. Thank you for the reminder.