Words don’t mean a thing

A young lady I know stopped me in the hall to share about the purity conference she was attending. She has always been excited to share her growing faith with me, knowing that I too am a follower of Christ. On other occassions she has shared stories about her youth group or ministries she’s been involved with, but I wondered if her life lined up with her words. She seemed immature still and irresponsible, often getting in trouble in school for misbehaving. How did that match with her desire to follow Jesus?

Another sweet girl shared with me how her missionary parents often yell at each other at dinner, shut each other out and neglect the children. They spend their days telling others about Jesus, but their daughter can’t seem to see Him in their home. She is becoming convinced that Christianity is a farce.

I’ve noticed that this is true of too many Christian young people. They can see right through the hypocrisy that exists in many Christian homes. Reading the Bible, quoting verses or even going to church-they aren’t what kids need to see in us. They need to see Jesus and they’ll see Him in our walk long before they believe anything we say.

We’ve just finished a hotly debated election and I can’t tell you how many promises I’ve heard. Words are used like mighty weapons slung from one side of the room to another, but I’ve heard a lot of words. I’m getting a bit jaded by all the words I hear that aren’t followed up by actions.

What’s the good of saying that you know how important it is to live a pure life when you turn around and ignore that advicie?

What’s the good of saying you are going to help someone in need when you really won’t follow through with action?

What’s the good of quoting scripture to your kids if you can’t live it yourself?

Proverbs 26:7 “Like a lame man’s legs that hang limp is a proverb in the mouth of a fool.”
In other words, if your words aren’t doing any walking, you’re handicapped. Your faith is lame.

Proverbs 26:9 “Like a thornbrush in a drunkard’s hand is a proverb in the mouth of a fool.”
Words that are meant to change our lives can actually be dangerous if used foolishly. Don’t quote scripture at someone and then turn around and not live it. People get hurt that way.

True Christianity is about having a life that matches your words. It’s about being real, honest and truthful and it means letting God’s word CHANGE us so we aren’t hypocrites anymore. Amen?

2 thoughts on “Words don’t mean a thing

  1. Iris

    Amen to that, Heather. WE do need to live out what we believe. Thank you for the reminder that we are being watched. I don’t want to be a hypocrite but let His light shine through me.