When I read the story of David and the Goliath, one of the things that I notice is that the Israelite army was sorely terrified of the giant. (See 1 Samuel 17:11) Goliath the giant, taunted the Israelites and with each accusation and threat, it didn’t take long before the great…
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I’m reminded of an episode of the popular drama series on television from the 1970’s and 80’s, The Walton’s. In one particular episode, Grandma returned home after a lengthy stay in the hospital following having a stroke. With limited use of her hands and no ability to speak (effects of…
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Blaming others isn’t anything new these days. In fact, placing blame where blame does not belong has been happening ever since the Garden of Eden. Eve blamed the serpent and Adam blamed God. Neither Adam or Eve wanted to take responsibility for their part. And ever since, we have been…
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After many years serving in a Pastoral role, we are in a place now where we are looking for a new church. Over the past several months, since we began a sabbatical from full time Pastoring, we have visited several different churches. All whom have wonderful musicians in place and…
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Recently, my granddaughter repeated something that she overheard from a conversation that adults were having in the other room. It reminded me of how unaware we can become of those around us who are listening and watching us. This not only made me aware of how little ears are listening…
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