Waiting has to be one of the hardest things to do, especially if you are under the age of six! This past weekend we took our two grandsons to church with us, they are 5 and 3. As we got into the car after church and were on our way…
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As we near Easter Weekend at the end of this week, I want to encourage everyone to remember exactly what Jesus said right before His life here on earth came to an end. His last words, after being scourged and hung on a cross to die, were words of forgiveness.…
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Feel like you’re standing alone? Don’t know where to turn? Gaze up at God, glance at the need and entrust it to His all-wise, all-loving care. He is the Lord, the Most High God who reigns over all. He’s Abba Father when we need fathering. He is All-sufficient in our…
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This weekend our 3 beloved dogs found their way out of the yard. Unfortunately, we did not notice that they had escaped until hours after they had been out. After driving around and having no luck finding them, we took to social media to spread the word asking help for…
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Sometimes, life is scary. I’m not talking about the things that go bump in the night, I’m talking about those big, giant steps of faith that scare you to death! I had one of those scary moments this week, I’m still not sure how it will come out in the…
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